How Evangelists Sound to Atheists

Seeing this video recently reminded me of something from growing up in Africa, it’s also hysterical.

While there I attended a  super Conservative Baptist boarding school and one of the extracurricular activities they offered was something called “Evangelism Explosion” or EE.  In it we were trained on how to share the good news and then went around the neighborhoods in the evenings asking people if we could share Jesus with them.  I went a grand total of once.

We were terrible guests.  Most local cultural customs in Africa (or any third world countries) really value being good hosts – and we totally took advantage of that by coming into people’s homes and taking up a huge chunk of their time.  Whereas here it’s totally acceptable to slam doors in people’s faces who you don’t know, it’s almost unthinkable to turn away someone who wants to talk to you in a village.  And there we were, a bunch of teenagers in bright neon shirts (it was the 90’s – cut me some slack) there to tell them about what they “really” needed.

Nothing says, “I have supernatural truth that you don’t” like neon.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that most people quickly nodded and prayed to accept Jesus simply to get us out of there so they could have some peace and quiet.  Looking back I can’t help but wonder how much I must have sounded like John and Mary.

3 thoughts on “How Evangelists Sound to Atheists

  1. it’s also hysterical.

    Indeed, it is.

    When evangelists come to my door, I tell them that my religion is private and personal, and that I hope they will respect that. Then I politely close the door.

    The interesting thing is that they never come back. There must be a list somewhere of the addresses that evangelists should never visit, and I guess my response got me on that list.

    1. I try to change the subject. People who are motivated to go door to door in the name of metaphysics are usually interesting in other ways. They don’t come back for me either. Maybe there is a list.

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